It just so happened to be an extraordinarily sunny afternoon when we
found ourselves taking a quick break from prancing around in the vintage wonderland to
go on a quest..For one of the most delicious treats any girl could ask for on a sunny afternoon... ICE CREAM!!
Here we met Liz..the ice cream goddess.
She was posted behind her tiny ice cream cart with her security bulldog Oliver
(He watches over the ice cream cuz ya never know when ice cream thieves could strike!)

She let us taste a sample before indulging in two scoops of our choice. Never in all the years of living on this green earth have I tasted ice cream that was so pure and smooth...I thought I had died and gone to ice cream heaven!!
Liz briefed us on why The G.G. is so unique. For starters they don't use eggs!!
This makes for a more powerful flavor..
It's definitely lighter on the palette and still leaves an impact on your taste buds.

(Liz served me up two scoops of vanilla coconut almond ice cream on a sugar waffle cone.)
We asked Liz about her favorite flavor,and it didn't take her long to choose..
"Brulot Chip!"
Brulot chip is inspired by the famous New Orleans coffee. It's a dark roasted creole coffee thats spiked with brandy, spiced cinnamon, and orange peels chocked with delicious chocolate chips.
Such a beautiful day in the neighborhood.
We walked..chatted with Liz over ice cream..she showed us their supercute ice cream cone t-shirts and we
pranced back to the vintage wonderland with happy hearts and tummies.
Oh by the way!!
Oliver the official ice cream security dog wants you to know that
even though the weather has changed you are more than welcome to come inside and enjoy their ice cream no matter the season and "WOOF" (his words not ours ;-)
Peace/Love/Free Hugs