December 24, 2009

Happy Holidays!!!

Wishing you and yours a Wonderfully Fabulous Holiday season..

Vintage Love and Hugs

Team FunkyFanny's

December 17, 2009

FF quote of the day..

I love to see a young girl go out and grab the world by the lapels. Life's a bitch. 
You've got to go out and kick ass.
~Dr. Maya Angelou

December 15, 2009


From our FavFanny's at AroundTheWayGIrls
an offer that puts the Happy in Holidays!

YAY for shopping!!

Enter to win a $100 Karmaloop Gift Certificate
All ya gotta do is Enter your email address HERE to win..
One winner will be announced every week on ATWG and everyone who enters will win a $10 gift code to Karmaloop.
Yep..Just for entering!
Kudos to RadioRose,The ATWG's,and Karmaloop for such a kickass promotion..Everyone's a WEINER!!!(that's winner ;-) 
Good Luck!

$100 Gift Certificate!!!!!!!!!!!

FunkyFanny's is servin it up majorly in XXL..

December is here and so is the cold winter
Yet the FunkyFanny's team is still working hard at helping Santa and his helpers keep the world freshly dipped in Vintage!

We're featured in the Dec/Jan issue of XXL Magazine
so fellas cop your lady some super special FF Vintage for the holidays!

Vintage Black Suede Coat with Fur trim $170

Vintage Fur Hat $68

Big hugs to our FavFanny Annie of Cubannie Links for modeling our gear so so lovely!

Big shouts to Coffey at XXL magazine for the love on this spread

For more details on these items and other vintage goodies
hit us up at

With little jingles and tingles

Peace/Love/Free Hugs


December 13, 2009

Blue Jean Baby..

Denim is America’s most known contribution to fashion. It’s begi
nning can be routed to Levi Strauss in the early 1800’s. He changed the fashion game by creating a tough fabric that was durable for hard working labor jobs.

Altering the name from ‘overalls’ to ‘jeans’. The fabric called ‘jeans’ comes from the French word "genes" which is the name for blue denim fabric.

Different styles and variations of denim appear and reappear but never go out of style.
The 50’s introduced the world to 'rebel teens' in the famous movie 'Grease' like The Thunderbirds who wore denim jeans with their leather jackets.

The 70’s and 80’s introduced bell-bottoms,

Embroidery jeans for all the peace loving hippies,

Designer denim like Sergio Valente, Calvin Klein and Jordache jeans became mainstream during the later years.

The fashion world is always in a state of reinvention and alteration.
It's style has been around for a years, yet the blue jean will remain a classic piece of clothing for a timeless generation.

Peace/Love/Free Hugs

December 9, 2009

GOLD MONEY part trois.

Santa and his reindeer are right around the corner so to celebrate

Join Team FunkyFanny's in conjunction with

The Honey Dippers 
 Radio Rose..Jasmine Solano..Bonnie Danger

for a Gold Money celebration.

Bring a toy and pose it up with Santa and his sexy ladaaays!
A party with a purpose..All donations benefit Toys for Tots.

And because we adore all things bubbly
Champagne Open Bar from 10-11
 Minx and Links by Cubannie Links and Cure Beauty Bar
Performance by Shyvonne
Hope 2 c u there!

December 8, 2009

ZINK-ing Out With Our Vintage Out!

Although ornery Ole Man Winter is poking his head around the corner
Here at FunkyFanny's we've been setting fall ablaze in vintage fire!

We represented in Zink magazine's
September 2009 issue and we couldn't be more honored!

Here a ruffle, there a ruffle
EVERYWHERE a ruffle for
FunkyFanny's lovers worldwide!

These delectable Vintage black ruffle gloves
would make even his Purple Badness
beam with pride and joy

Big BK hugs to FavFannys extraordinaire
stylist Ope and photographer Jamie Nelson
for a Fabo job on this piece
We adore Zink for the good look and
most importantly YOU
for checking in with us at
for more details on these and
other vintage goodies

Keeping spunk alive,
